

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Ancol Beach In Jakarta Indonesia

When asked about the most popular destinations in Indonesia, many people think of Bali, Yogyakarta, or Bandung answer. However, not a few who think of Jakarta as a popular tourist destination in Indonesia. Why Jakarta? Perhaps because of this nation's capital has a recreational area that offers a complete tourist activities. Do not believe? Try just visit Ancol in Jakarta Indonesia, and say what you cannot find there.
Last Month I went to Ancol Beach In Jakarta Indonesia. The ticket Price was 25.000 rupiah . Parks and beaches are entertainment vehicle offers fresh seaside atmosphere for all groups and ages. Beaches and Parks has 5 beach (Beach Festival, Beautiful, Stays, Ria and Carnival Beach Club) and the Lake of Dreams, along with more than 5 km, with a promenade along the 4 km.

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