

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Reminisce when tour to Yogyakarta in Java Island Indonesia Part 3

The Third day, we went to Parangtritis Beach In Yogyakarta in Java Island Indonesia. Parangtritis is the most popular beach in Yogyakarta. There are two things that make Parangtritis busy talking: a romantic sunset views at dusk and myths Nyai Rara Kidul. Many people believe is the gateway Parangtritis magical kingdom Nyai Rara Kidul controls the southern ocean. In addition, Parangtritis also known as the big waves and the sand hills, or so-called dunes. In the dry season usually winds blow harder, and waves as high as an average of two to three meters. As a tourist area, Parangtritis managed quite well by the District Government of Bantul. Ranging from lodging facilities to peddling souvenir market typically available in Parangtritis.
Only 3.000 rupiah we came Parangtritis Beach. Seeing the sunset is one of the most in demand. Therefore, the best time to go to Parangtritis is just before dusk. Parangtritis twilight lit romantic couples also often used as a background photo bride before marriage. Okra services are also available which will take you down the sand surface smooth Parangtritis. If you prefer to ride his horse directly, you can also come to the horse rental.
Due to the ferocity waves, visitors Parangtritis is not recommended for swimming. But thefacilities available at the beach bathhouse. Among them are that the water baths WedangParang said to cure various skin diseases. This is because the water in the bathscontaining sulfur.

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