

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Carug Landung Waterfall at Kuningan West Java Indonesia

Good Afternoon Everyone,, Currently in Karawang Indonesia is very hot, but when i went home after work sometime Rinning. In this month the Weather in Indonesia is Rain. Okay everyone After Idul Adha Holiday, I and My boy went to Curug Landung Waterfall at Kuningan west Java Indonesia. Well, I tell you about why do we call Curug Landung? Once upon time Holland William Sie (Walemse) Princess establish a relationship with a man to the level of a marriage and married by holding a Sunda traditional ceremony.Sunda People Called "Disawer/Dipercik.
Curug Landung Waterfall was located at Cisantana Village Cigugur Kuningan West java near Palutungan tourism object Indonesia.
Curug Landung Waterfall which means that this length has a height of 30 meters exceeds putri Waterfall which was only about 20 meters. In addition to enjoying the beautiful scenery around the beautiful natural, tourists can certainly feel the splashes of water on our face and body from the waterfall that flowed rapidly to form a clear river flow behiaskan big rocks neatly arranged by nature.
It was attracted many tourists, especially the teens who came not just enjoy the beauty of the waterfall i was also to selfie with the background waterfalls and natural scenery around.The Prices was 10.000 IDR. Some spots that was very instagrammable include:
Sun Flowers: The area was decorated with a sizeable sunflower.
Wing Sky (Swing): Area with swing rides. In addition to suitable for photographed spot, this vehicle was suitable to test the adrenaline, because it is right above the cliff of the landung.
Bird's Nest: Area decorated with large bird's nest.
Bamboo Tower: The highest area in the gorge where in the area there are ornaments rangakain flowers that form love.
Bamboo Sky: Area decorated with bird wings made of iron
Hobbit House: A mini-house area like a hobit house in a lord of the rings movie.
Facilities at this tourist site is quite complete as it is: Toilet, Musholla, cafe coffea, etc .
Next day admission:
Admission price: Rp. 10.000, - / person.
Parking ticket: Rp. 10.000, - / 1 unit of car vehicle. : Rp. 5000, - / 1 unit of motor vehicle.
This place is open every day from 07:30 am until 18:00 pm.
Don't Forget came it Friend. It'was Very beuatiful fresh for brain and nice.

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